Who could guess that asparagus, or at least the compound, asparagine, that give it its name could help spread cancer? At least that's what a plant-based scientist at
Cambridge University claims. Not everyone is on the same page. Other scientists have found that asparagine, and other foods with an amino acid, helps to slow the spread of breast cancer. It seems a lot of the food we eat is dangerous to our health. French fries, for instance, pack a triple whammy: 1. potatoes are BAD for people with high blood-pressure; 2. cooking in oil at high temperatures is a NO-NO. 3. the overdose of salt. That goes for chips too. Sugar is verboten – it causes the insulin to shoot out of the pancreas at an accelerated rate. It is now being compared to tobacco in terms of dangerous. Happy to report that butter, cream, cheese have been taken off the 'AVOID' list. It's been revealed that the research was bogus.
Heart Attack Grill (Photo: http://www.theburgerreview.com) |
AI I am being touted as being the answer to the answer to health care. People of a certain age talk about getting a robot caregiver when they are really old. Don't count on it. They sometimes crap out. And who wants a 400 pound, 5-foot hulking bot stalking around the house. And besides, experts such at as
Sherry Turkle, media prof at
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), wrote at the end of her book
'Reclaiming Conversation', that AI is the next big threat to us humans.
ALPHABET, the omnipresent tech-giant has got into healthcare with
CALICO (an acronym for California Life Company). Its mission: health, well-being and longevity. It's connected with several research groups including, the
University of Texas Medical school and the
Broad Institute at MIT.
According to their site they are using their core values to guide them on their journey. Well, good luck. But then there's
THERANOS, whose founder is
Elizabeth Holmes. A
Stanford University student, she left before she graduated to start her revolutionary nano-blood-testing company. Instead of having to take vials of precious fluid it would only take a pin-prick to get a complete blood profile.
Walgreens, the giant drugstore chain, sighed up. Her board consisted of rich guys, including
Henry Kissinger, Warren Buffet and Elizabeth. Both the
New Yorker and the
Wall Street Journal wrote scathing article s about her and her secretive company.. Walgreens backed out.
So fellow Hypochondriac, my advice is do not go online to check your symptoms – you will find a dozen or more fatal disease that fit. And do not buy
Merck's Manual of Symptoms – it scarier than any horror book. But if you cannot resist checking, I recommend the
Mayo Clinic site. It has a lot of common sense solutions. And be happy if you don't live in the US where they run medical commercials on TV 24/7. Cheery visuals show happy healthy looking people who must take some serious meds to stay looking that way. A soothing voice tells you how fantastic they are. Then POW. A dead serious voiceover tells all the bad side affects that could occur. They usually end with the disclaimer: in case of (whatever the side affect) or death call the company. Cheers.
Sources: the Net, Wall Street journal, the New Yorker, TV, personal experience
Next week: WOODY ALLEN bakes a turkey and it's not even thanksgiving
Note: poor Woody. He got forgotten for a couple of weeks, but his last movie deserves to be trashed.
Note: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Unfortunately, as far as I know, butter, cream, cheese and other saturated fats are not off the hook. Delicious as they are, they are still bad for you, increasing cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases. The research was NOT bogus. The science still stands, despite what you may have read somewhere, or worse yet, seen on the telly.
- Eki