Monday, 28 May 2012

42 Press Kit

Daino_16 /
It´s one of those niggedly-piggedly things you want to forget. Don´t. When you send a DVD to a film festival, or for consideration by a commissioning editor, or to potential investors, you should include a press kit.

The basics:
  1. A pocket folder (good if the cover is the opening of the doc).
  2. A brief cover letter (three short paragraphs) on your company letterhead. This should include information about you,and your qualifications, your company and the program. Include website information and awards.
  3. A short synopsis of the the program (like the blurb on the DVD).
  4. Bios of the principles in the doc and the crew.
  5. Any interesting information that you think might sell the program.
  6. Press clippings.
If you sign up with WITHOUTABOX they have an electronic press kit. It´s an easy way to enter multiple film festivals.

Lesson 42: God is in th dinky details

Next week: 43: The Dead Zone

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